John Kendrick's Photo Gallery

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77.07-H11 Loch Duich from Bealach Ratagan looking east

Scan-130826-0028_6-070+wm+bdr_1000w.jpg 77.07-G03 Isle of Skye SheepHình nhỏ77.07-G01 Talisker, Isle of Skye77.07-G03 Isle of Skye SheepHình nhỏ77.07-G01 Talisker, Isle of Skye77.07-G03 Isle of Skye SheepHình nhỏ77.07-G01 Talisker, Isle of Skye77.07-G03 Isle of Skye SheepHình nhỏ77.07-G01 Talisker, Isle of Skye77.07-G03 Isle of Skye SheepHình nhỏ77.07-G01 Talisker, Isle of Skye

Loch Duich from Bealach Ratagan looking east

Tác giả
John Kendrick
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View on OpenStreetMap
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6.070 Agfacolor
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