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5.011 Toadstalls (Wood Blewit ?)

Scan-130723-0006_Wood_Blewits_Epping_Forest+wm+bdr_1000w.jpg 5.010 Anne & Phillips freedom City of LondonThumbnails5.012 Lych Gate, Holy Innocents Church, High Beach, Epping Forest5.010 Anne & Phillips freedom City of LondonThumbnails5.012 Lych Gate, Holy Innocents Church, High Beach, Epping Forest5.010 Anne & Phillips freedom City of LondonThumbnails5.012 Lych Gate, Holy Innocents Church, High Beach, Epping Forest5.010 Anne & Phillips freedom City of LondonThumbnails5.012 Lych Gate, Holy Innocents Church, High Beach, Epping Forest5.010 Anne & Phillips freedom City of LondonThumbnails5.012 Lych Gate, Holy Innocents Church, High Beach, Epping Forest

Toadstalls (Epping Forest)

Believed to be Wood Blewit - confirmation appreciated please!

John Kendrick