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Cessna 150 G-CSFC

Cessna 150 G-CSFC_1000w.jpg Cessna 150 G-BFOG 2014 livery - photo 2ThumbnailsG-AWCLCessna 150 G-BFOG 2014 livery - photo 2ThumbnailsG-AWCLCessna 150 G-BFOG 2014 livery - photo 2ThumbnailsG-AWCLCessna 150 G-BFOG 2014 livery - photo 2ThumbnailsG-AWCLCessna 150 G-BFOG 2014 livery - photo 2ThumbnailsG-AWCL

Cessna 150 G-CSFC at Biggin Hill
CSFC was chosen for the registration as these were the initials of the Civil Service Flying Club.
The club, then based at Biggin Hill is now at Rochester (Kent) airport.

John Kendrick