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Birthday party photo (prob) June 1959

img694 Agfa 31_1200w.jpg Age of Innocence!ThumbnailsThat's Not Jill, It's JohnAge of Innocence!ThumbnailsThat's Not Jill, It's JohnAge of Innocence!ThumbnailsThat's Not Jill, It's JohnAge of Innocence!ThumbnailsThat's Not Jill, It's JohnAge of Innocence!ThumbnailsThat's Not Jill, It's JohnAge of Innocence!ThumbnailsThat's Not Jill, It's John

Birthday party photo (prob) June 1959
l to r: Stephen Bishop; JAK; Janet Carr; Ian Turnbull; Warren Hoskins

A T Kendrick
JAK, party