John Kendrick's Photo Gallery

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Walsall Sunbeam F4A 862 TDH912 Trolley Bus

K3__1162_EasyHDR3_bt_1024.jpg End of the Day, Canal StreetHình nhỏ64 Canal and Rolling MillEnd of the Day, Canal StreetHình nhỏ64 Canal and Rolling MillEnd of the Day, Canal StreetHình nhỏ64 Canal and Rolling MillEnd of the Day, Canal StreetHình nhỏ64 Canal and Rolling MillEnd of the Day, Canal StreetHình nhỏ64 Canal and Rolling MillEnd of the Day, Canal StreetHình nhỏ64 Canal and Rolling Mill

TDH912. Walsall Corporation 862 Tolleybus (1955 Sunbeam F4A.)

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John Kendrick
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