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6.120 Woolwich Sunset

Scan-130830-0019a_6-120_Woolwich Sunset+wm+bdr_1000h.jpg 5.071 The Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, LondonThumbnails6.148 Cheapside by Night5.071 The Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, LondonThumbnails6.148 Cheapside by Night5.071 The Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, LondonThumbnails6.148 Cheapside by Night5.071 The Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, LondonThumbnails6.148 Cheapside by Night5.071 The Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, LondonThumbnails6.148 Cheapside by Night5.071 The Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, LondonThumbnails6.148 Cheapside by Night

Woolwich Sunset

Photographed from the Woolwich Ferry

John Kendrick
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