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Foster's Endowed School (Kent)

Foster's Endowed School (Kent).jpg Forge Lane County Primary School (Gillingham)ThumbnailsGillingham Grammar School (Kent)Forge Lane County Primary School (Gillingham)ThumbnailsGillingham Grammar School (Kent)

Foster's Endowed School (Kent)
Fosters School, Upper Wickham Lane, Welling.

Badge as depicted in Bunty #11 [29 March 1958]

B011 [29 Mar 1958].jpg

Fosters School, Upper Wickham Lane, Welling. Fosters was an endowed school established at East Wickham by Mr William Foster of Shirley, Croydon. In his will of 1727 he provided for a school for 20 children. Today the building has been turned into luxury apartments and a new school has been built in Westbrooke Road (1998.)

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