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Queen Mary 2 off Scarborough

SG201324b QM2_1000w.jpg Cloud Cover over Robin Hood's Bay, North YorkshireThumbnailsCliffs at CloughtonCloud Cover over Robin Hood's Bay, North YorkshireThumbnailsCliffs at CloughtonCloud Cover over Robin Hood's Bay, North YorkshireThumbnailsCliffs at CloughtonCloud Cover over Robin Hood's Bay, North YorkshireThumbnailsCliffs at CloughtonCloud Cover over Robin Hood's Bay, North YorkshireThumbnailsCliffs at Cloughton

Queen Mary 2 visited Scarborough on Friday 16th October 2009 during a 'Round-Britain Cruise' from Southampton on its way to Edinburgh. While not obvious from the photograph, it was quite a gusty afternoon. (Dare I mention that the visit was arranged by one J. Saville esq?)
This photograph was featured in the weather forecast during the 'Look North' news bulletin that evening.
Click HERE to view video clip from the broadcast.