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5.011 Toadstalls (Wood Blewit ?)

Scan-130723-0006_Wood_Blewits_Epping_Forest+wm+bdr_1000w.jpg 1.027 Autumn Colour, Clinton Crescent, HainaultThumbnails5.015 Pollarded Beech Trees, Epping Forest1.027 Autumn Colour, Clinton Crescent, HainaultThumbnails5.015 Pollarded Beech Trees, Epping Forest1.027 Autumn Colour, Clinton Crescent, HainaultThumbnails5.015 Pollarded Beech Trees, Epping Forest1.027 Autumn Colour, Clinton Crescent, HainaultThumbnails5.015 Pollarded Beech Trees, Epping Forest1.027 Autumn Colour, Clinton Crescent, HainaultThumbnails5.015 Pollarded Beech Trees, Epping Forest

Toadstalls (Epping Forest)

Believed to be Wood Blewit - confirmation appreciated please!

John Kendrick